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I had a private health assessment - the results shocked me into losing weight

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Previous NHS health checks had suggested my cholesterol was high but doctors provided few further details at the time. So when I saw the latest research on cholesterol, which highlighted how it can increase your risk of dementia, I thought I needed to get myself checked out again.

What really caught my attention was the study's conclusion that addressing high cholesterol in mid-life (18-65) had "the greatest impact in delaying or preventing the onset of dementia later in life." Being fully aware that I need to shed a few pounds and with my persistent worries about elevated cholesterol, this research underscored the need for a comprehensive assessment of my health indicators. This would help me understand what steps I could take now to prevent future health issues.

There are numerous clinics offering private health assessments. The cost varies depending on the depth of testing and whether you want a GP appointment included. It's also worth scrutinising the details of any health insurance you have, either privately or through your employer. Many schemes cover an annual health check - a benefit I discovered through my own workplace health plan.

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I decided to head to a BUPA clinic and opted for their "Be Motivated" health check, which sets you back £259. This includes a one-hour session with a health adviser who performs immediate tests such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and measures your height, weight, waist, along with flexibility tests.

What really stood out for me was receiving all the results on the spot, plus a follow-up report via email, eliminating any wait or need to chase down information. I walked away with a comprehensive snapshot of my current health status.

And importantly, it delivered some very clear health advice that I've already started to act on. Here's what happened during the assessment.

The tests

For my assessment, I had completed an online health questionnaire in advance, detailing everything from current medications and health issues (none for me, fortunately) to sleep patterns and mental well-being.

Upon arrival, I was welcomed by my health clinician, Laura, who ushered me into a private room. She outlined the process, which included answering additional questions and taking blood samples for immediate testing while we continued with the rest of the assessment.

I was put through my paces with a health MOT that included measuring my height, weight, and waist, as well as taking my blood pressure with three different readings. I even underwent an ECG test and flexed my muscles with a series of exercises like toe-touching and arm-stretching.

The results

The results were astonishingly quick - I didn't have to wait or chase them up. Laura had the blood test results in minutes. Later that day, they emailed me the full report so I could "identify any changes you can make to improve your well-being".

Laura walked me through the results, explaining each test in detail. Health risks were illustrated on a simple speed dial diagram, with bright green indicating very low risk, amber for moderate, and bright red for high risk.

Now for the good news: My flexibility is top-notch, scoring a "perfect" green across the board. I'm also at low risk for heart disease or diabetes, and my sleep patterns are spot-on.

Turns out, I'm a pro at snoozing. However, my body composition, including my BMI, height to waist ratio and fat percentage (which I'm too horrified to print) were all heading into the danger zone. I'm aware that I'm overweight, so this wasn't a massive shock, but it was still a grim sight seeing it all laid out on a chart.

My BMI was described as "significantly higher than recommended." The report stressed the importance of me considering weight loss to reduce health risks, adopting healthier eating habits and increasing activity. Gulp.

What did surprise me, however, was learning more about my cholesterol. It was tested at different levels - essentially for the "good" fats and the "bad" fats in your bloodstream. While my overall level was described as "raised", the fact that my HDL rating (that's the "good" fats in your blood) was excellent meant the overall result was not deemed a cause for concern.

However, the result for my triglycerides in my blood is what has really made me stop and think. This came back as high, and Laura explained that these are caused by the foods you eat.

The one way I could help to bring this back to a normal rate is by cutting down my intake of saturated fats and refined sugars. I think it's probably the first time I've actually realised what an impact poor diet is having on my body.

I was alarmed on the day to find my blood pressure high at 140/100, but the assessor suggested it might be due to the anxiety-inducing "white coat syndrome". She offered to notify my GP and proposed a recheck at my local practice in a fortnight, which I followed through with.

The need for change

The aftermath of the health assessment brought about immediate changes for me — seeing my lifestyle choices spelled out so starkly motivated a serious rethink. My love affair with sweets came to an abrupt end, and my neglected running shoes were soon back in action.

In the four weeks since that eye-opening appointment, I've shed over 3kg (7lbs) by absorbing advice from the session and not resorting to fad diets. Instead, I'm incrementally altering my eating patterns, seeking harmony with my daily routine.

The most profound revelation was understanding why my triglycerides levels were elevated the culprit being my intake of high fat and sugary processed foods. The evidence was undeniable; those dietary villains had to be eliminated for good.

To date, I've embraced a whole food diet and leaned towards consuming more organic produce. I was advised to incorporate more physical activity into my routine, aiming for 150 minutes of exercise per week, including two sessions that would elevate my heart rate beyond my usual walking regimen.

During the assessment, I shared with Laura how I had become an avid runner during the Covid lockdowns, but life's demands had since interfered and my fitness had declined. She urged me to return to running, which I have now begun to do twice a week.

The assessment also includes two follow-up calls from a coach. I've already had the first call, where we discussed my progress and the adjustments I've made.

These changes seem quite manageable, and I'm hopeful that with a clear goal to improve my health scores, I can maintain a healthier lifestyle.

What's next

BUPA recommended waiting at least six months before scheduling a follow-up health assessment to retest my results.

So, I've decided to revisit in the New Year for another check-up to see if the steps I'm currently taking to enhance my health and fitness have positively affected my stats.

I'm actually looking forward to returning and am dedicated to maintaining the changes I've made so far, such as eliminating saturated fats and sugars from my diet and increasing my exercise levels.

I'm optimistic that keeping up with this routine will aid in further weight loss in the coming weeks, and hopefully turn some of those red scores to amber or even green by my next assessment. Rest assured, I'll keep you updated with the results in February!

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